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Sorting a single linked list

This problem is pretty popular in coding interviews. You are given a set of unsorted integers represented as a single linked list and you need to sort them. Sounds pretty straightforward. But no! Best solution to this problem depends on what user wants. Time efficient solution to sort numbers is always in O(nlgn). One can use the likes of merge-sort or quick-sort here, even for single linked list. Solutions are already explained here. Space efficient solution to sort numbers is always in-place, with some additional pointers and temporary variables. This is important when dealing with data-sets that do not fit in memory. Say sort a billion numbers.

My Code

Define a struct for the single link list node.

A simple insert-at-the-end function for the single link list.

Attempt 1:
Copy the given data (numbers) into a container (data structure) and sort that. I used a C++ vector and in-built sort function that takes O(nlgn).

Attempt 2:
Use additional pointers to keep track of current maximum while looping thru the given single link list and swap data when necessary. In the best case, this will take only O(n) time and practically no extra space. But in the worst case, this will be a O(n2) algorithm. Reason being the helper function, isSorted(), that runs as long as the data is unsorted.

Define a main function to take input(s) for the single link list and check time taken for both the sorts.

Output for small input.

Edge Cases

Case Time Taken (in-place sort) Time Taken (vector sort) Memory Used (in-place sort) Memory Used (vector sort)
100 numbers in random with repetetion 740 178 800 bytes 800 bytes + contiguous memory for another 400 bytes
Increasing order of numbers from 1 to 10000. 2454 5228 80 kb 80 kb + contiguous memory for another 40 kb
Decreasing order of numbers from 10000 to 1. 538462 4201 80 kb 80 kb + contiguous memory for another 40 kb
10000 followed by 9999 1s. 1331 4851 80 kb 80 kb + contiguous memory for another 40 kb
Assume that 10000 ints take 40kb and 10000 pointers take 40kb. Vector of 10000 ints needs contiguous block* of 40kb.
Time is measured in clock cycles.
